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Three Dimensional
FarSounder’s Argos 3D Forward Looking Navigation Sonars are the most effective way to truly know what lies ahead of your yacht along the bottom and in the water column. With detection ranges out to 1000m, Argos sonars give yachts ample time to see hazards ahead, from the water’s surface down to the seafloor with a fast update rate, wide field of view, and an intuitive user-interface.

Mapping our Ocean with the help of superyachts
For many owners and guests, the allure of yachting is the adventure of cruising through pristine waters and voyaging to some of the most exclusive locations in the world. These unique experiences stem from a fundamental urge to explore our world and see its beauty.

Confident Cruising
Groundings and collisions cost lives and money and have significant environmental impacts. What is ahead of the vessel and underwater is the most essential navigation information that can mitigate a dangerous situation. The best prevention is to have a suite of tools working together to provide you the most information possible allowing for heightened situational awareness.

Setting a Clear Course
Learn about all of the technological features in the latest bridges including FarSounder's Argos systems in the featured article from Onboard Magazine's Summer 2021 publication