Hotkey Support for Custom Controls, Foil Panels, and Touch Screens
The touch screen controller from TEAM Italia's I-Bridge® iteracts with FarSounder sonars via hotkey integration.
Integration flexibility is one of the key aspects to FarSounder’s software. Since SonaSoft 3.0, all end user features can be controlled with only a 2 button mouse/trackball and the design of the user interface facilitates the use of touch screen monitors. We also offer low level integration via a network based SDK.
New in SonaSoft 3.3, we’ve added support for customizable hotkeys. This new feature makes it easy to integrate physical controllers such as buttons, glass bridges, and custom foil panels, with our software. Any controller that can output a standard keyboard message can be used.
One great example of such integration is the I-Bridge® offered by TEAM Italia. The I-Bridge® includes a touch screen controller that automatically configures itself for whatever system is currently displayed on the local monitor. When FarSounder’s sonar is being controlled, TEAM Italia’s touch screen controller offers virtual buttons and sliders to control the various sonar settings.
FarSounder’s hotkey functionality can be configured to control:
3D Viewer Display and Alarm
Chart Viewer Display
Processor Settings
Color Scale Settings
Daylight Themes
Integrators can modify the default programming of the hotkeys through a simple text based configuration file. Integrators should contact FarSounder’s technical staff for more details integration options including our hotkey functionality and SDK.