Marine News - MN 100 Companies

From Marine News

THE COMPANY: Since 2001, FarSounder has been perfecting a sonar that could show mariners where the water is safe to navigate. Their innovative 3D FLS, built in house from the ground up, now allows vessels to look ahead and navigate with confidence. Radar, depth sounders, ECDIS, and electronics charts with GPS are missing an important piece of information: What is under the water in front of my ship right now? The FarSounder navigational sonar systems provide this missing piece of the puzzle. Nautical charts don't know what has changed on the ocean floor; radar can't see through water; and depth sounders only look down. This state-of-the-art sonar is used by all types of vessels in oceans and seas around the globe to mitigate unknown and unchartered waters, even in polar regions. Ships with this technology can navigate shallow waters comfortably and explore bays, inlets and rivers safely. FarSounder FLS systems receive real-time 3D images with one single ping and retrieve an underwater image up to 1000 meters ahead. This user-friendly system has no moving parts and is very simple to install and maintain. The innovative software has chart plotting capabilities and offers real-time chart creation with their exclusive Local History Mapping (LHM). The map created is updated with every ping and can be displayed as an overlay on top of a nautical chart. When used together with the real-time sonar overlay, navigators can quickly see what lies ahead and what they've recently passed over.

THE CASE: FarSounder is the leader in the design and manufacture of 3D Forward Looking Sonar. This cutting-edge technology is unique in the marketplace. It provides navigators real-time 3D imargery of what's beneath the waters up to 1000 meters ahead of a vessel detecting various underwater hazards and shallow bottoms.

See Marine News August 2018, page 65.


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