Create extraordinary experiences.
3D Forward Looking Sonar to access the most exclusive locations safely.
Advanced Underwater Solutions
Patented 3D sonar technology that reliably detects in-water obstacles and shallows
Intuitive 3D Display
3-dimensional image ahead of a vessel at navigationally significant ranges.
Sonar Over Charts
We paint a clear picture by displaying forward looking sonar data on top of a nautical chart.
Fixed Installation
Our installation design is suitable for vessels with or without a bulb on both refit and new-builds
Rapid Update Rate
Phased array technology enables FarSounder's sonars to generate the entire 3D image with a single ping.
Our Navigation Sonars
Discover the technology behind navigating challenging and uncharted waters

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Vessels and Applications
FarSounder's products can be used in a variety of applications for obstacle avoidance and shallow water navigation. FarSounder Products are designed to fit many types of vessels including yachts, cruise ships, research survey vessels, defense and government vessels, and fisheries and small commercial vessels